network for contemporary silent film
at Goethe-Institut Athen, Exile-Room &
National Museum Of Contemporary Art (EMST)
on Thursday 27, Friday 28, Sunday 30 March 2014
at 20:30
SHARE ON FACEBOOK: 27.3.@Goethe-Institut 28.3.@Exile Room 30.3.@EMST
This year's international silent film programs with live music was presented by Heinz Hermanns with a focus on experimental documentaries from the interfilm short film festival Berlin on March 27th at 8PM and Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel with a focus on poetry films from the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival (by Literaturwerkstatt Berlin) on March 30th at the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST)
Heinz Hermanns gave a masterclass in English on "The Art of Short Film," its special aesthetics and mechanisms and the possibilities of distribution
on March 28th at Exile Room.
A production by moving silence and Goethe-Institut Athen. Hosts and partners for the particular events were the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST) and Exile Room in Athens.
Goethe-Institut Athen
14-16 Omirou Str.
Athen 10033 | +30 210 3661000
Exile Room
12 Athinas Str., 3rd Floor,
Monastiraki (opposite Metro Station)
Athen 10551 | +30 210 3223395
National Museum of Contemporary Art
17 - 19 Vas. Georgiou Β & Rigilis Str.
Athens 10675 | +30 210 9242111-3
The programs start at 20:30
All events will have a free entry.
Thursday, March 27th, 2014 at 20:30
Goethe-Institut Athen

Experimental documentary shorts with live soundtracks
«These short documentary films are able to tell their stories without a voice. They don't need spoken words because of the power of their images, their camera work, the connection of the unusual with effects, editing techniques, animation and sound – which will be created live in the screening space. The films show interactions of nature and time, humans and work. Examples of unusual documentaries that present new ways of life and story telling.»
Heinz Hermanns (director of interfilm short film festival Berlin)
Opening film
Leptomereies / Details
Dimitris Gouziotis
GR, 1996, 17:40min, experimental
A poetic filmic experimental shoot on 16mm film at 1996. Details of an afternoon following the steps of Jean Vigo, P. P. Pasollini, Stavros Tornes.
Music: Sofia Koubli
Kostas Karitzis, Violin / Dimitris Kottaridis, Cello / Christoforos Mitzas, Piano / Heinz Hermanns, Transverse Flute / Sofia Koubli, Τape
International documentary film program
Curated and presented by Heinz Hermanns
Arkar / Arks
Karin Karlsson, Mita Moberg
SE, 2004, 13:00min, documentary
One 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle, people fish on the lake Torneträsk. They sit in their "arks" - small, movable cabins, filled with all possible modern conveniences.
Music: Theodore Lazopoulos
Spättans Väg / Way of the Flounder
Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, Ola Simonsson
SE, 2005, 10:00min, short fiction documentary
In the North Sea a flounder is hiding in the seaweed. Many dangers lurk on the bottom of the sea but the flounder is clever. One day the flounder is caught in a net.
Music: Berlin Brides
Natasha Giannaraki, voice / Marilena Orfanou, keyboard / Zisis Andrianopoulos, guitars / Ermis, drums
.nijnok / .tibbar
Leo Wentink
NL, 2004, 12:00min, documentary experimental
A Dutch farm, 20,000 albino rabbits living in the barn, no sounds, no smells. Nijnok (rabbit in dutch, spelled backwards) distances the audience with an unusual narrative.
Music: Thodoris Zioutos
Attila V. Nagy
HU, 2005, 6:30min, documentary
A mythical, impressive sunrise shines upon a place in Hungary where a group of people work as a collective.
Music: Akis Sinos
The Majestic Plastic Bag
Jeremy Konner
USA, 2010, 4:00min, documentary
Told from the perspective of a plastic bag that floats off and meets up with other plastic bags at the bottom of the sea.
Music: Akis Sinos
Demolition Entertainment
Jörg Keweloh
DE, 2004, 5:30min, documentary,
The material signs of industrial culture are vanishing in the Ruhr area, but their images remain. Ghosts recreate the world in a dance. An impressionistic requiem.
Music: Etten
Vironas Katritsis (Byron, Neon) piano / Konstantinos Kostakopoulos (Dead Buildings) drums / Ilias Kostakopoulos (Dead Buildings) synth / Etten voice, laptop
Film curator: Heinz Hermanns
Music curator: Anastasia Chrysanthakopoulou
Coordination by Sofia Michaelidou & Nikos Dimitrakakos
Artistic director: Matthias Fritsch
About interfilm shortfilm festival Berlin
interfilm has established itself as one of the most important short film festivals in Europe. It is the second oldest German short film festival (after Oberhausen), and is recognised as the second most significant and oldest international film festival in Berlin after the Berlinale. More than 5.000 films with a maximum running time of 30 minutes are submitted each year. Of those, approximately 400 films are selected and organised into different thematic programs. These include; international, German, animation, documentary and children’s films. 'Focus On' highlights productions from specific countries or regions. Beyond that there are also special sections devoted to areas such as music videos, commercials, experimental films, historical films and retrospectives.
Friday, March 28th, 2014 at 20:30
at Exile-Room

Masterclass: The Art of Short Filmmaking
A short film only works with a good idea, a great concept and a perfect dramaturgy.
Seminar about short film story development, its special aesthetics, mechanisms and the possibilities of distribution. Heinz Hermanns, director of interfilm short film festival Berlin, is organizing festivals and running a successful shortfilm distribution for the last 30 years. He will give examples from all over the world about ideas, concepts and ways to make a successful and shown short film. Besides a perspective on short film in general – the lecture will have a special focus on document ary shorts.
Language: English |
After the lecture we will present the winner of last year's moving silence production grant. The award of 1000 Euro for a new silent film production was financed by the Goethe-Institut Athen. From the 7 competetors the grand was given to:
Mute City
Yiannis Georgioudakis
GR, 2014, 12:00min, Fiction
It's his first time in the big city, he has no smartphone, he's trying to find his destination. How? -Where he comes from they say, "by keep asking, you go to the city". So that's he's gonna do. Ask somebody, anybody... so simple after all!
Original music score by
Michael Andritsopoulos
piano: Katerina Deligiannidou
flute: Sonia Kuma |
Sunday, March 30th, 2014 at 20:30
at National Museum Of Contemporary Art (EMST)

Poetry films with live soundtracks
«Poetry is a cross sectional art due to it's high mediality. Film can use poetry to create cross-media works of art. Poetry films are short films, that deal with poems in terms of content, aesthetics or form. There are animation, fiction, experimental and documentary films that implement ballads, sound poems, haikus and many other forms of poetry in a very surprising and engaging way.»
Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel (director of Zebra Poetry Film Festival)
Part 1 - Greek Poetry Films
Curated by Anastasia Chrysanthakopoulou
Pohadka/Fairy Tale
Alex Chatzialexiou, GR, 2014, 6:00min, Animation
Poem: ''Pohadka'' by Miroslav Holub
Music: natrYX (voice / prototype instrument)
Special mini projector mount by Alex Chatzialexiou
Permission for the greek translation by Paraskinio
Publication: "Two European Poets"
Section Isidoros Tsalapatis
Dedicated to the 7 years old poet from Athens, Greece who currently lives in Soufli, Thraki.
Aima kai Soma (Blood and Body)
GR, 2014, 2:30', Animation
Poem: "Aima kai Soma" by Isidoros Tsalapatis
Music: Isidoros Tsalapatis, Artemis Vassilopoulou (mother) & natrYX
Prototype instrument "Grillo's ears" by natrYX
Analog circuit design by Nikos Kyiriazopoulos
Three poems by Isidoros Tsalapatis
Ancient Greeks (2014, 2:00' )
Poisonous grass (2014, 2:00' )
Declare (2014, 2:00' )
Sketches & resitation by Isidoros Tsalapatis
Live projection of sketsches: Christos Kontogiorgas
Music: tOy ARKestra & Anastasios Tsalapatis (father)
isiadontia, GR, 2014, 12:34' Experimental
Images insired by the poetry of Miltos Saxtouris
Music: Buildings at Night
Part 2 - International Poetry Films from the Zebra Poetry Film Festival
Curated and presented by Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel
David Downes
NZ, 2004, 13:15min, Animation
after poem "Generation" by David Downes
A journey through dream images of electricity,
work, human touch, birth, death, and escape.
Music: Sancho
Matthias Fritsch
DE, 2013, 06:46min, fiction
after poem "FM-Biography" by Agnieszka Wolny-Hamkało
The film follows two young girls while
doing auto stop to a big city.
Music: Sofia Koubli
Georgia Balabini, Narration / Antigoni Seferli, Cello / Charalampos Karasavidis Violin / Christoforos Mitzas, Piano / Sofia Koubli, Τape
Sveve Sveve / Soar, soar
Kristian Pedersen
NO, 2011, 02:46min, animation
after novel "16.07.41" by Dag Solstad
The poet is a passenger on a plane circling over Berlin before landing. In the landscape of clouds, he sees his own father.
Music: Sofia Koubli
Georgia Balabini, Soprano / Adonis Stamopoulos, Actor
Sofia Koubli, Τape
A Cup of Wine
Daniel Conrad
CAN, 2010, 06:24 min, performance
after 5 Poems by Rumeng Ling & Li Bai
China's Tang and Song dynasties, with their
eroticism and Taoist love of nature.
Music: Achilleas Kentonis & natrYX
midi guitar, gesture instrument, self made instruments, vocals
Kliniken / The Clinic
Kristian Pedersen
NO, 2011, 02:36min, animation
after Kliniken by Annelie Axén
An obscure walk through the bureaucratic
hallways of a dental clinic.
Music: Akis Sinos
The City
Ghayath Almadhoun, Marie Silkeberg
SE, 2012, 07:00min, Experimental
after text "The City and What Gas" by Ghayath Almadhoun & Marie Silkeberg
Inside the arabic spring the revolutions: the life and death of a city.
Music: Akis Sinos
just midnight
Susanne Wiegner
DE, 2010, 03:37min, animation
after poem "just midnight" by Robert Lax
Step by step, a three-dimensional word structure is formed by letters, crossed and circled by the camera before disappearing again in a sheet of paper.
Music: Εtten
Etten & Mata Kourti acapella vocals
El Sakia / The Water Wheel
Mohanad Hassan
EGY, 2011, 01:39min, Animation
after poem "The Water Wheel" by Salah Jahin
A reflection of what is going on in our lives during these times of pressure.
Music: Εtten
Etten & Mata Kourti acapella vocals
Bitterschön / Bittersweet
Johannes Vogt
DE, 2008, 02:00min, animation
after Ein Schneebild by Ernst Jandl
A visual commentary on playing with words and meaning. The interference of a "real" hand in the typographic world.
Music: tOy ARKestra
Kreislauf / Cycle
Kerry Murphy
DE / NL, 2010, 01:15 Experimental
after poem "Kreislauf" by Gottfried Benn
The images lead us through an abandoned hospital to operating room and finally, on the "deathbed."
Music: tOy ARKestra
Blauwblauw / Bruised
Geert Van Goethem
B, 2006, 02:06min, Animation
after poem "Blauwblauw" by Miguel Declercq
A naked woman in an empty room finds a bruise on her shoulder.
Music: tOy ARKestra
for the international poetry film program: Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bel
Curator for greek poetry films and music: Anastasia Chrysanthakopoulou
Coordination by Kassiani Benou & Stamatis Schizakis
Artistic director: Matthias Fritsch
about the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival
Every two years the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival shows the current state of a dynamic, young short film genre which lies somewhere between poetry, film and new media. The festival offers both makers of poetry films and poets themselves from around the world a forum for fixing positions as well as exchanging ideas and experience – an ever growing group of fans of a genre which has won over even the most suspicious and sceptical in the audience. A comprehensive supporting programme with retrospectives, colloquia and talks complements the competition, which is unique worldwide.
The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is a project of the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin in cooperation with interfilm Berlin and with the kind support of the Capital City Cultural Fund (Hauptstadtkulturfonds), the Goethe Institut, the German Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) and Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG. It takes place as part of the poesiefestival berlin.

Akis Sinos
(Άκης Σίνος)

Sofia Koubli
(Σοφιά Κουμπλή) |

Theodoros Lazopoulos
(Θοδωρής Λαζόπουλος)

Buildings at Night
(Κτίρια τη Νύχτα) |

natrYX |
Berlin Brides |
Tasos Tsalapatis (Τάσος Τσαλαπάτης) |
Thodoris Zioutos (Θοδωρής Ζιούτος) |
Sancho |
tOy ARKestra
an experimental orchestra that was created especially for the Moving Silence events.
Sound design Dimitris Dimitriadis (Δημήτρης Δημητριάδης)
Concept & Idea Anastasia Chrysanthakopoulou (Αναστασία Χρυσανθακοπούλου)
Coordination Vera Armeni (Βέρα Αρμένη)
with support by Marilena Petridou (Μαριλένα Πετρίδου)
Participants: Vera Armeni, Maria Deli, Aristea Tsichli, Konstantina Ventouri Roussou, Alex Konstantinopoulos, Myrto Delimichali, Spyridoula Boka, Vassiliki Spyrou, Thodwris Marinos, Anastasia Chrysanthakopoulou |
With participation of ARTOS FOUNDATION (Cyprus)
Achilleas Kentonis (Αχιλλέας Κεντώνης)
performed in a duet with natrYX |
a production of


filmprograms by

media sponsors

We want to bring the poetry of silent moving images back to the present!