network for contemporary silent movies

March 13 at Goethe-Institut Athen, Omirou 14-16 (map)
March 14 at Iris cinema, Ippokratous 15 & Akadimias Str. (map)
March 15+16th at Circuits and Currents, Notara 13 & Tositsa (map)
Bring your smart phones & tablets
to see the Gif-animations!
“Narrative is a distinct language-game which is part of an operation or a form of life"
From laterna magica to the animated digital files, gifs share distinct features with silent film culture. As part of the Moving Silence events, Jiggling Golems explores the cinematic qualities of gifs, their narrative potentials and semiotics in an exhibition about gif art.
The exhibition connects to this year's Moving Silence theme of silent video portraits. Focusing more on a cinematic & narrative approach and less towards moving photography, we invited artists to take part in the exhibition with works which materialize gifs as sentient lifeforms and link to the metareference technique.

The exhibition is curated by Mariana Ziku, art historian and musician from Ioannina, Greece. Mariana is interested in electronic media and narrative theory. Read her text
about gifs here
Web development by Antonis Kalkanof
Exhibition based on piratebox.cc
Technical support by Matthias Strubel

QR gates for access to the mobile Gif exhibtion

visiting the exhibition

Examples from "Jiggling Golems – the art of GIF"