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network for contemporary silent film

We want to bring the poetry of silent moving images back to the present!

As a group of musicians, artists and film professionals we create a platform for contemporary silent movies. Therefore we are building up a network and organize events to connect the roots of cinematography with the present aesthetics of image and live music production.

Click here to read more about the questions:
Can silent cinema still exist today and what defines a silent film?

Silence is not silent.

Moving Silence was originally founded by the musician Marco Brosolo, filmmaker Matthias Fritsch and producer Federico Bassetti in summer 2009 in Berlin. For many years we collaborated with Sofia Michaelidou, Anastasia_X, Thalia Ioannidou and Nektarios Pappas for Moving Silence Athens and since 2010 our collaborator Achilles Kentonis is organizing Moving Silence on a yearly basis in Cyprus.

To read a German article with information about the beginning of Moving Silence and our activities in Athens click here !



Upcoming Events

July 11, Moving Silence Screening in front of the Reichstag in Berlin at 18:00

Moving Silence is screening Sobo Swobodniks »Lebe schon lange hier« with live Musik by Marco Brosolo at the Fan Zone in front of the Reichstag, free entrance
More information

November 28, 2024
Moving Silence in Nicosia, Cyprus

Details will follow

We are working on a few more events. As soon as we fix the dates & details, they will be posted here.


Documentation of recent events

April 17, 2024 – Berlin, Kino-Krokodil
Moving Silence & Kino-Krokodil presents a silent feature length film by Sobo Swobodnik with a new live soundtrack from Marco Brosolo accompanied by stefanpau and Godehard Giese.
lebe schon lange hier
lebe schon lange hier

The 13th Moving Silence event in Nicosia, Cyprus
on December 07, 2023 at Artos House (Insta / Facebook)

More information

For the 12th time we presented a silent filmprogram with live music in Nicosia, Cyprus on November 24, 2022 at 20:30 in Artos House.

More information

January 06 and February 03, 2022, NYC, USA
We had two Moving Silence silent film programs projected on the Manhattan Bridge in NYC (Anchorage Place & Pearl St., Brooklyn) as part of Lightyear. On the same days each program was also be presented in Berlin at SCOPE BLN (Lübecker Straße 43, 10559 Berlin 8.30-10.15 PM CET) and in Canada at "The Drey," (Woodbine Ave, M4C 4E1, Toronto: 1229A, Toronto 6-10 PM EST)
Click here for the FaceBook events for January & February

18th of November 1st, 2021 in Nicosia, Cyprus at Artoshouse in Nicosia, Cyprus

On November 18, 2021 we had again a mixed live & online event of Moving Silence within the framework of the Freiraumfestival at the ARTos House in Nicosia.
more info

June 30, 2021 – Berlin, Lichtblick-Kino Special
Moving Silence & Lichtblick presents a short silent film program from the Moving Silence archive as part of a week long silent window screening. The program by Moving Silence is selected by Marco Brosolo and will be on show on June, 30 2021 from 21:30 till 23:00 or longer.

1st of November 1st, 2020 in Nicosia, Cyprus

On November 1st we had a mixed live & online event of Moving Silence within the framework of the Freiraumfestival at the ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation in Nicosia.
More information

February 10, 2020 – Berlin, Lichtblick-Kino Special
Moving Silence & Lichtblick presents a short film program of film maker Maren-Kea Freese from analogue times of the 80 & 90ies with partly new live music (and sound) from Marco Brosolo.
so siehts aus
details (in german)

December 13, 2019 in Nicosia, Cyprus

As in the years before we will present contemporary silent films and live music at the ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation in Nicosia.
More information

Moving Silence opens Nightvision on 2nd August 2019 in Berlin
Soundwatch film fest, Lichtblick Kino and Moving Silence team up to present three days of music documentaries, music videos and an opening evening of live music to silent lm. Free!
August 02, 2019, Pavillon am Milchhof Schwedter Straße 232, 10435 Berlin
More information

April 19+20, 2019 in Berlin
Moving Silence is invited to show loop programs with poetic silent films about the city of Berlin and an other thematic program at Mitte Media Festival.
Gallery Fata Morgana (Back Room), Torstr. 170, 10115 Berlin from 8-10pm
Mitte Media Festival
More information

February 7, 2019 in NYC, USA
Moving Silence joins forces with Leo Kuelbs Collection and contributes to a silent film program on the Manhatten Bridge
moving silence in NYC
More information

December 3, 2018 in Nicosia, Cyprus
Also this year we will present contemporary silent films and live music at the ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation in Nicosia.

More information

December 6 & 7, 2017 in Nicosia, Cyprus
For the 7th time we will present contemporary silent films and live music at the ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation in Nicosia.

More Information

10. + 11. March 2017 in Thessaloniki, Greece
For the second time Moving Silence will present contemporary silent films with live music in Thessaloniki at the Contemporary Art Center in Thessaloniki (CACT). For the two days event we also prepare a new GIF-Exhibition.

More information

December 8, 2016 in Nicosia, Cyprus
For the 6th time we will have an event at ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation in Nicosia.

More information

October 22, 2016 in Brussels, Belgium
One evening of silent films with live music at Bukta Paktop in the capital of Belgium.
more infos

April 13-17, 2016 – Moving Silence in Athens, Greece
In our 7th edition in Athens we were working on silent film screenings, an exhibition with live music interpretations and a workshop for time lapse film productions with film maker Reynold Reynolds. Our venues in the centre of Athens were the Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center and the Goethe-Institut Athen.

more infos

December 11, Nicosia, Cyprus
in collaboration with ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation and Goethe Institut Nicosia – for the 5th time Moving Silence brought contemporary silent film culture to Cyprus.

more infos

August 29, Berlin – 3. Lange Nacht der Berliner Filmfestivals
Moving Silence is invited by Festiwelt to open up the evening at Open Air cinema Pompei at Zukunft am Ostkreuz at 20:00 with a short silent film program accompanied by live music from Marco Brosolo.

details (in german)

March 12-16, 2015 – Moving Silence in Athens, Greece
By focusing on this year's theme of "Portrait" we organized silent film screenings with live music interpretations, a workshop with german film maker Michael Brynntrup and a GIF exhibition. Our venues in the centre of Athens were the Iris cinema, the Goethe-Institut Athen and the project space Circuits and Currents.

more info

December 13, 2014 Moving Silence in Nicosia, Cyprus
in collaboration with ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation and Goethe Institut Nicosia.

more infos

December 07, 2014 Moving Silence Sonntags Matinée
at Stummfilmkino Delphi in Berlin Weissensee

more info

August 01, 2014 – Berlin
open air event at Freilichtbühne Weissensee
freilichtkino weissensee
more info

June 26, 2014 – FRANCE, RENNES
Moving Silence event in Rennes / France
A collaboration with Auditorium Parco della Musica, within the framwork of the "Suona Italiano / Suona Francese Festival"

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May 17, 2014 – GERMANY, BERLIN
Moving Silence event in Berlin at Lichtblickkino, Prenzlauer Berg.

more info

March 30, 2014 – GERMANY, BERLIN
Moving Silence event at Roter Salon, Volksbühne
participating musicians: Chor der Kulturen der Welt, Barbara Morgenstern, Philip Neumann, Toni Kater, Johannes Marx, Marco Brosolo, VOW

more info

March 27-30, 2014 – GREECE, ATHENS
For this year's international silent film programs in Athens we collaborated with interfilm short film festival Berlin and ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival in order to present experimental documentaries and poetry films in the Goethe-Institut, the National Museum for Contemporary Art (EMST) and to give a master class on the "Art of Short Film" in Exile Room where we also showed the winner of last years film-production-grand.

more info

March 21-22, 2014 – GREECE, THESSALONIKI
For the first time in Thessaloniki at the Contemporary Art Center in Thessaloniki (CACT), this year's international silent film programs will focus on poetry films and experimental documentaries followed by an experimental improvisation orchestra and greek musicians.

more info

December 06, 2013 – CYPRUS, NICOSIA
contemporary silent movies performed live with non conventional instruments
For the 3rd time we present silent films & live music in Nicosia/Cyprus in collaboration with ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation and Goethe Institut Nicosia.


October 11, 2013 – GERMANY, DÜSSELDORF
Moving Silence was invited to show a program of contemporary silent films at KIT (Kunst im Tunnel) during the silent film festival "Beat the Silence" in Düsseldorf

September 18, 2013 – ITALY, TRIESTE
Moving Silence event at "I Mille Occhi" Festival (one thousand eyes)


May 02, 2013 - COLUMBIA
The Moving Silence event in Bogota presented live interpretations by local musicians on some contemporary silent animation films from europe and the project "Music from the Masses" by Matthias Fritsch at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá, Columbia
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá, Columbia

April 19, 2013 – ITALY, PORDENONE
Moving Silence event at Teatro Verdi

March 2013

From March 28th-31st, 2013 we had our 4-Days-Festival in Athens/Greece at the Goethe-Institut Athen and Beton7. The festival's focus was on animation film, landscapes/soundscapes and vocal performances.

Click here to see the program summary!

The Festival was produced by Goethe-Institut Athen and the Moving Silence Platform in Collaboration with Beton7 and program participation by animasyros International Animation Festival + Forum

December 14+15, 2012 – CYPRUS, NICOSIA
For the 2nd time we prepared a 2-Days Weekend of silent film in collaboration with ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation and Goethe-Institut Nicosia.
see program here

December 05, 2012 – LAS PALMAS
In 2012 we collaborated for the 3rd time with our friends at the Canary Islands. Dis-Play produced a Moving Silence Filmprogram at Dis-Play 12 on Las Palmas
see program here

November 04, 2012 – INDIA, NEW DELHI
We presened two filmprograms with live music performances during the Indo-German Urban Mela in New Delhi / India. Toni Kater, Marco Brosolo from Berlin, Mithilesh Kumar Jha and Stefan Kaye from Delhi performed live.
see full program here

With support of Goethe-Institut Delhi
The event is a project within the framework of "Germany and India 2011-2012: Infinite Opportunities" www.germany-and-india.com

October 11, 2012 – ITALY, PORDENONE
We showed a silent filmprogram in collaboration with:
Cinemazero, Dentalcoop, Le Giornate del Cinema Muto
see more info here

watch the live sessions here

June 2012

Anastasia X. presented Moving Silence at SYSTEMS in Athens Greece at CAMP

Matthias Fritsch did a presentation on Moving Silence at June 7th at Shortcutz in Berlin Kreuzberg. The talk was be followed by a live improvisation by Tom Foerderer on three silent Shortfilms ("Egg Love", "Cerini" & "Wintersong")


We presented a silent film program at the HBK in Braunschweig on invitation by Prof. Michael Brynntrup and Filmforum.
Emi Hirai doing live animation, Fotos © by Karl Heinrich Weghorn
more info

March 2012
Our 5-Days-Festival took place in Athens/Greece from March 21st - 26th, 2012 at Goethe Institut Athen and CAMP.
see festival program here

Official Festival Trailer by Hior Chronik & Metin Akbaş

or watch on Youtube

Shortfilm "Trust" with music performed by NatrYX

February 16, 2012 – GERMANY, BERLIN
As part of the Directors Lounge Festival we presented a filmprogram in Naherholung Sternchen, Berlin.
see program here

goto earlier events


Open Call

For future activities we like to invite artists, musicians, film professionals and anybody else who is interested to participate in our platform. If you are into the idea of developing contemporay silent movie culture feel welcome to get in touch with us.
Click here to get more specific information on our productionflow!

We are currently preparing various events in different European countries. Please contact us if you are interested in participation or if you like to host a moving silence event!



Click here to get an overview of our filmpool. Please notice that most films are protected by password. Contact us if you like to produce an event or soundtrack and get access to the preview films!


Associated Partners & Collaborators

Directors Lounge (festival), Berlin
Naherholung Sternchen (club), Berlin
Regenbogenkino (cinema), Berlin
Sputnik Kino (cinema), Berlin
Lichtblick Kino (cinema), Berlin
Roter Salon/Volksbühne (theatre), Berlin
Freilichtbühne Weissensee (cinema), Berlin
Caligari, ehem. Stummfilmkino Delphi (cinema), Berlin
interfilm short film festival Berlin
ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, Berlin
ARTembassy (gallery), Berlin
Stummfilm:DJ (collective), Cologne & Munich
Beat the Silence (festival) in Düsseldorf
HBK Braunschweig (university)

Czech Republic
Školská 28 (gallery), Prague

Electro-Mechanica Festival, Sankt Peterburg

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto (festival), Pordenone
I Mille Occhi (festival), Trieste

Suona Italiano / Suona Francese Festival, Rennes

Goethe-Institut Athen
National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST), Athens
Beton7 (art space), Athens
6.D.O.G.S (art space), Athens
CAMP (art space), Athens
M55 (gallery), Athens
crypt / booze (club), Athens
Exile-Room (film production & workshop space), Athens
Circuits and Currents (project space), Athens
Iris cinema (university cinema club), Athens
Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki
State Museum of Contemporary Art (SMCA), Thessaloniki
Contemporary Art Center in Thessaloniki (CACT)
Anima Syros (festival), Syros

Canary Islands
Display (collective & festival), Las Palmas & Lanzarote


Artoshouse (cultural centre & former ARTos foundation), Nicosia
Goethe-Institut Nicosia

Goethe-Institut Delhi

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Bogota



email: info@movingsilence.net

Moving Silence Athens Festival Facebook Page

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